42nd Generation Foundation

42nd Generation Foundation also known as Redemption Generation Foundation, is an international, multi-generational, multi-racial, multi-lingual in the Ministry acts of the Gospel; multi-dimensional and trans-denominational in doctrinal basis of faith in Christ. The Ministry of 42nd Generation Foundation is more than a Church . . .

It’s a Vision-Mission of the Commission of CEFMORSI MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL. It’s all-encompassing, multi-faceted, charismatic and dynamic Christian FAITH missionary ministry and charity outreach. It’s founding is received on the revelation, inspiration and empowerment of the grace of God.

It’s built upon the foundation which our Lord Jesus Christ laid; being the 42nd generation of God’s chronological order for human Redemption. He is the founder of our Faith, Hope and Love demonstration in God and upon Him and through Him and in Him the 42nd Generation Foundation is founded.

This scriptural truth is found in the book of Matthew chapter one verses one to seventeen of the Bible. It illustrates how Jesus became the 42nd generation, to generate the purposes of God for all mankind since the fall in Adam. Jesus came to generate HOPE, FAITH and LOVE in man as an ingredient of Life – 1 Corinthian 13:13.

This revelation, inspiration and empowerment was born into the heart of Rev. Chukie E.F. MORSI in December 1999 while preparing to attend an invitation as a guest preaching minister in a local church national conference in the city of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. It’s also serving as a fulfilment of the revelation, inspiration and empowerment received five years earlier in God’s leading mandate to take him into another phase of ministry journey, to reach out to the nations as he shifted base to the United Kingdom.

42nd Generation Foundation is also about raising a generation that will serve the Lord as their King and worship Him as their Saviour and Lord in the fellowship of His Church. A generation that will declare and demonstrate God’s purposes on earth, giving Hope, Faith and Love to all mankind without racial, lingual, generational and denominational barriers.


  • Geared towards the preaching, teaching and imparting of the good news of the gospel of Christ Jesus our Saviour and Lord for the good and peace of mankind and harmony of nations.
  • To establish people in Christ  and to establish Christ in people.
  • Raising a generation of HOPE, FAITH, and LOVE . . . and Wellness to the Whole-man: Spirit, Soul and Body.
  • Ministering Wholeness . . . To The Thirst and Hunger of Nations
  • Publishing The WORD . . . REDEEMING The Whole-man, from the chains of Poverty, Sickness and Spiritual Death.
  • Saving the lost, Uniting the Body of Christ until the Lord returns
  • Generating a community and Social development projects to enhance man’s dignity.
  • . . . and many more


Truly, truly, God who calls is faithful and able to meet all needs. However, He will always use PEOPLE and because of the all-encompassing burden and multi-faceted nature of Rev Chukie MORSI’s ministerial dimension, our great need for this mandate is PEOPLE:

  • People who can and will pray consistently and faithfully for the triumph of the gospel and for the constant and consistent release of God’s power: to advance the kingdom of God and to keep the enemy at bay.
  • People who will give generously, consistently and faithfully to make this burden and the call a mission possible.
  • People who’s calling and gifting will enable them to work in line with the revelation of this foundation at a local level.
  • Ministers, Ministries and Churches whose vision and mission tally with ours will be gladly welcomed to affirm the calling and the gift of God in them for the ministerial kingdom tasks and targets which the foundation upholds.

You are therefore welcome to join this generation of Hope, Faith and Love in generating wellness to mankind. We are Big enough to receive and contain you, Large enough to Serve you, Endowed enough to minister and enrich your total being and Small enough to know you more intimately. You are made by and for the greatest, don’t live little.

Awesome, Amazing And Majestic Generation!

“PROCLAIMING And PUBLISHING The WORD . . . SAVING The LOST . . . EQUIPPING The CHURCH . . . MINISTERING To: The THIRST And HUNGER of NATIONS And The WHOLE-MAN – Spirit, Soul And Body, From The Chains of POVERTY, SICKNESS And SPIRITUAL DEATH . . . And Readily Prepared, Awaiting Christ Jesus RETURNS”

COPYRIGHT © 2025 · ALL RIGHTS RESERVED · 42nd Generation Foundation