
Shalom! Kingdom greetings in the precious and redeeming name of our Lord, Saviour and soon coming King, Jesus Christ, Amen! And in honour of our REDEMPTION in Christ Jesus, We the family and congregational generation of 42nd GENERATION FOUNDATION gracefully and graciously welcomes you in this awesome generation platform of God’s LOVING-KINDNESS, FAITHFULNESS and BLESSEDNESS in the precious and exalted name of our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ, Amen; and is of Him and to Him and only Him we give all the honour, majestic, praise, worship and glory as we welcome you unreservedly and unconditionally by God’s love in Christ Jesus to YEAR 2023 of DECADE 2020S.

YEAR2023 is themed YEAR OF THE PREVAILING WORD and culled from the Scriptures but not limited to Acts 19:20 and Hebrews 4:12-13 and Revelation 5:5 and Hebrews 11:3 and 1 John 5:7 and Psalms 65:11-13; and while DECADE20S is themed as DECADE OF SIGNIFICANCE and culled from the Scriptures but not limited to Exodus 4:1-2, 17 and Isaiah 11:1-3 and Matthew 1:1-16 and Mark 16:15-20 and John 1:1-5, 14 and 1 John 5:7

YEAR 2023 it’s a phase of “Living and gliding through FAITH in POSSIBILITIES in order to ensure and enact DOMINION and EXALTATION, in the Consciousness of God’s Righteousness in Christ Jesus – For the Greater, Colouful, Thriving, Purposeful & Fulfilment in DOING LIFE and LIVING GODLY – graciously and gracefully”. And as we LIVE and GLIDE in this realm and sphere of POSSIBILITIES in everyway in Christ Jesus stead, we are to have and ensure a colourful, meaningful and blossoming life. It is your moment to Believe It, Receive It, Become It and Live It for your now, today and tomorrow, in Christ Jesus. Amen!

We also welcome you more importantly to the website of the 42nd GENERATION FOUNDATION which for the moment serves also as the voice for CEFMORSI InternationalCEFMORSI International is our Missionary, Hospitality and Charitable Causes Outreach pointer of CEFMORSI MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL; and it is geared as an ‘Achievers’ FAITH Commendation Bureau’ Centre for: Knowledge, Excellence, Integrity, Diligence and Service; thereby Bridging Gap, Empowering, Changing and Transforming lives in Community.

42nd GENERATION FOUNDATION is the Ministerial Global Outreach platform of CEFMORSI MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL, upon which the Community Ministerial Platform called “The Church” is planted and formulated as REDEMPTION LIFE International CHURCHES. The 42nd GENERATION FOUNDATION is about raising the generation of Hope, Faith and Love in Christ Jesus, set as light on the hilltop in making a remarkable history and enrichment to our GENERATION and COMMUNITY.

The Ministry of CEFMORSI MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL is a more than Denominational Church: It Is A Vision And Mission With A Commission Mandate – Romans 1:9-12; Acts 5:20; Luke 2:52; 1 Corinthians 13:13; 1 Thessalonians 5:23/Hebrews 4:12-13; Romans 1:16-17/1 Thessalonians 1:5.

Imparting to you some spiritual gifts, so that you might be saved, moulded, established, dignified and become in life, is the aim of this site – Romans 1:912. We pray that you be enlightened, and that the almighty God make Himself known to you, so that in turn your life may be informed, transformed and transfigured. In the gracious acts of prayer we therefore commend you to God and to the words of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all who are sanctified in the Lord, Amen. John 17:3; Acts 20:32.

Most of all – may you be inspired, receive revelation and be graciously empowered to function wholly in every area of your life – spirit, soul and body. You are made for the greatest, by the incomparable God of our REDEMPTION. Do not settle for the little, for you are the reason why the earth was made!

We believe there is at least a Word of grace and miracle for you on this site. That in YEAR 2023, as you serve the Lord, you will enjoy His unusual goodness, live an efficacious, thriving, purposeful and fulfilling life as you LIVE AND GLIDE IN THE POSSIBILITY LIFE, in the light of the Scriptures but not limited to – (Psalms 65:11-13; Psalms 92:10-15; Mathew 6:33; 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 John 4:4; Psalms 118:24; Job 36:11; Revelation 22:1-2; Philemon 6; Philippians 1:21). You can download the year theme message for YEAR2023 from the newsletter menu where applicable. May you know, discover and experience it. We dedicate this site to your well-being and affirm that Jesus loves you, cares for you and so do we.

Finally, our kingdom call mandate is summed up in this:

“Proclaiming and Publishing THE WORD . . . Saving THE LOST & Equipping THE CHURCH . . . Ministering to The Thirst and Hunger of NATIONS . . . Ministering to The Triune Being: Spirit, Soul and Body from The Chains of POVERTY, SICKNESS and SPIRITUAL DEATH . . . And Readily Prepared, Awaiting Christ Jesus RETURN”s

Praying for you in the light of these Scriptures – 1 Samuel 12:22-24 and Numbers 6:24-26 and Ephesians 1:15-23 and Ephesians 3:14-21 and Hebrews 13:20-21.

In His World & Kingdom Business For His Glory

Rev Chukie & Faith MORSI     


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