The PASSOVER – Easter weekend and holiday may seems over, but the ESSENCE lives on. The ESSENCE of REDEMPTION in sum was to end these three basics human failures in God.
** Spiritual Death (Results from Adamic treason – SIN).
** Poverty ( Impoverishment) – (The Effect Of Spiritual Death – SIN).
** Sickness & Disease (The Effect Of Spiritual Death – SIN).
These aforementioned are the effects, results and consequences of human depraved state due to the fall in Eden in the placed Adamic curses. The spiritual death gave birth to physical death and final blow – eternal death. Then the curse effect which brought about POVERTY and SICKNESS (DISEASE).
Thank God for our REDEMPTION in Christ Jesus which this PASSOVER enables us to commemorate and celebrate in grace and life. There’s NOW an enabling of God given to us in Christ, in order to be functional and triumphant in our mortal bodies. The enabling helps to CREATE, INNOVATIVE, INITIATE AND EXPLORE our REDEMPTION worlds over our human failures and limitations in Christ Jesus. It thus means that every Adamic mortal limitations can and had been quickened in REDEMPTION and now made alive in us to live Above ONLY in all life circumstances. It thus means you can live above your mortal bodies weakness and limitations in Sickness, Poverty and Spiritual Bondages of the fall by the quickening Spirit of God that indwell in us – Romans 8:9-11.
It thus means there’s the enable power that will accompany ALL who RECEIVE Christ Jesus into their personal life and BELIEVE in the REDEMPTION accomplished work of Christ Jesus for them – John 1:11-12.
Also, there’s the enabling empowering to CREATE wealth in order to end poverty as enshrined in our COVENANTED BILL OF RIGHTS IN REDEMPTION – Deuteronomy 8:18; 3 John 2.
Know that when Christ Jesus was betrayed and crucified, when He died and was buried, when He arisen from the dead (grave), ascended and was enthroned, the scriptures indicates and enjoined that we were in that process of REDEMPTION. And that IDENTIFICATION, if you can actualize it, then the SPIRIT of the ESSENCE will begin to show up in fullness for you.
Therefore, let that same Spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead, dwell in you, in order to activate your mortal being to life again, from every known and unknown Adamic limitations.
May the scriptures begin to be fulfilled in your life as written in Romans 8:11 in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Always know, understand and remember that – the Holy Spirit that dwells in your spirit is there with His inspiring, revealing and empowering WORDS that are LIFE GIVING; and He Lives in you to CREATE, INNOVATIVE, INITIATE AND EXPLORE YOUR WORLDS IN CHRIST as it’s written: “It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the WORDS that I speak unto you, they ARE spirit, and they ARE life” John 6:63.
“Beloved, I wish ABOVE ALL things that thou mayest PROSPER and be in HEALTH, even as thy soul PROSPERETH.” 3 John 2.
“. . . But if the Spirit of him that RAISED up Jesus from the dead DWELL IN YOU, he that RAISED up Christ from the dead shall also QUICKEN your MORTAL BODIES by his Spirit that dwelleth in you” Romans 8:9-11.
“He came unto his own, and his own received him not. 12 But as many as RECEIVED him, to them GAVE he POWER to BECOME the sons of God, even to them that BELIEVE on his name” John 1:11-12.
“But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that GIVETH thee POWER to GET (CREATE) WEALTH, that he may ESTABLISH his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day” Deuteronomy 8:18 (Emphasis Mine).