One great question before you at this Year 2017 entrance is – Do you actually believe in the you in you, I mean what you are declaring or have declared about yourself in 2017? Or you are acting on presumptions or assumptions which will definitely brings one to a place of delusion as before?
But if you can actually believe in your 2017 goals, then keep on keeping on, speaking and declaring it forth; for when your spirit heart believe and mouth declaring agrees in same spirit of grace, it will brings about your desires and fulfilment into reality.
So keep unwavering Faith in that which you believe and trust God about to do on your behalf. God believes in you, but do you believe in yourself?
As Apostle Paul would make known in the Holy Writ, believe, then Speak Forth your affirmation and stay on it until your answer come.
God’s grace and blessings.
“We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak” (2 Corinthians 4:13).
Rev Chukie MORSI