“Ye ARE THE LIGHT of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. 15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it UNDER a bushel, but ON a candlestick; and it GIVETH LIGHT unto all that are in the house. 16 LET YOUR LIGHT SO SHINE before men, that they may SEE your good works, and GLORIFY your Father which is in heaven” Matthew 5:14-16
Light will always be superior to darkness. The more darkened the brighter the light glows. The strength of light is known in a darkened atmosphere. Light will always outshine darkness at any measure. Light will always overpower darkness – John 1:5.
Light attracts, it glows, it gives direction. Light illuminates and surpasses darkness. God has commanded light to shines OUT of darkness that was in us, to give us the needed illumination to access His redemption done did and deed for us in Christ Jesus – 2 Corinthians 4:6.
Living as the light in His (Christ) light will always be better than in darkness. Light gives hope, light shines and gives a sense of life and belonging in becoming. And God has set deliverance for us from every evil that darkness represents in the world – Galatians 1:3-5; Colossians 1:13-14.
The Holy Writ says – You ARE the light of the World; it did not say – You WILL be light. YOU ARE THE LIGHT! See yourself the way Christ sees you and BECOME it. Don’t be afraid of darkness nor the dark places no matter what. Dare to be like Daniel and the three brothers (Shadrach Meshach and Abednego) against any odds of darkness and dark places. You ARE the extension and embodiment of God’s LIGHT in Christ Jesus in the World. You ARE His song, hope, love, peace, success, salvation, deliverance, mercy, wisdom, knowledge, prosperity and more to the dark and darkened world. Be emboldened in Christ Jesus to dare the dark and darkened presence. DARE TO BE A BIBLICAL DANIEL!
Therefore shine and keep shining. Keep ENACTING who you ARE in God in Christ Jesus. May you ever GLOW in life and godliness, in God’s GRACE and BLESSEDNESS in Christ Jesus stead. Amen.
Blessed regards.
“Ye ARE THE LIGHT of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. 15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it UNDER a bushel, but ON a candlestick; and it GIVETH LIGHT unto all that are in the house. 16 LET YOUR LIGHT SO SHINE before men, that they may SEE your good works, and GLORIFY your Father which is in heaven” Matthew 5:14-16.
“For God, who commanded the LIGHT TO SHINE OUT OF DARKNESS, hath SHINED in our HEARTS, to give the LIGHT of the KNOWLEDGE of the GLORY of God in the FACE of Jesus Christ” 2 Corinthians 4:6.
“For with thee is the FOUNTAIN OF LIFE: in thy LIGHT shall we see LIGHT” Psalms 36:9.
“In the beginning was THE WORD, and THE WORD was with God, and THE WORD was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were MADE by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was LIFE; and THE LIFE was the LIGHT of men. 5 And the LIGHT shineth in DARKNESS; and the DARKNESS COMPREHENDED it not” 1 John 1:1-5.