“Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you IGNORANT . . . “ 1 Corinthians 12:1-3.
“And the times of this IGNORANCE God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent . . .” Acts 17:30-31.
“And I will give you PASTORS according to mine heart, which shall FEED you with KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING” Jeremiah 3:15.
We are at a time bomb in the Church history especially among the Cultural Christian communities, where there are waring within each other, enabling SCHISM; and more so, many are not even searching the Scriptures intently enough as the Bereän Christian (Acts 17:10-13), to enable them decipher the falsehood Ministers from the true Gospel Ministers as ascribed in the Scriptures, as an indication of the signs of the last days.
Unfortunately, some Minister’s and Church folks have lost their sense of direction and essence of staying on the WORD OF GOD wherein they are called; and more also to be assured of God to deal with matters in LIFE and GODLINESS. The consequence of such ignorance by any person or people in such categories, is known when the supposedly SACRED pulpit platform or social media platform are used to express their grievances and attack – directly or indirectly on other Ministers or Churches in a generalised matter. This they do in order to appeal to theirs or others who shares in their DEPRAVED sentiments, conscience and satisfactions; and knowingly to the frustrations of their innocent audience. This OUGHT not to be so in the Body Ministry of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:15-18.
I can tell from the Scriptures and in my living life experiences and memory of time that where a Minister of the Gospel and or Church folks decides to take the advantages of being empowered with the necessary Kingdom resources to play GOD, and of His of judgment in matters of life, that there are consequences. More so, for any to assume to help God make God’s own decision and using the avenue or opportunities of saving souls, setting captives free, preaching and teaching the WORD, to now use a TALK SHOW/ENTERTAINMENT Platforms to perpetuate another Gospel in order to actualised their self-ego and men applaud, there are consequences. Honestly, I smell something dangerous ahead of any that is involve or aiding to promote such activities. Romans 1:18, 32.
We live in such a time in history that people are becoming more sentimental, prejudice and illogical to everything that was once scripturally believe as in the Scriptures. And worst of, is seeing comments on matters they seemingly don’t have the actual prelude about, but just because of their access to a public platform, will get on attacking others to suit their uninformed status. My worry for many is that when the consequences of working against God’s WORD commence due to these acts of ignorance and sentiments, being illogical and prejudice, the providers of these ill-willed platforms will go into hiding, that is, if they don’t go along with the consequences however.
I know of these toxic atmospheres, because I have seen these before and many times in my few years of being in this Kingdom Gospel and Faith Walk with God. There’s going to be consequences for all who play god for the living God in ignorance because they have opportunities and platforms that are supposedly to have been use for the Gospel truth only. God can’t be mocked and be taken for granted by men’s silly behaviour. For any platform to soonest FORGET that they are deviating from the Gospel faith in Christ Jesus stead into a contrary, simply for their appetite to get Men applaud instead of God approval, is on a danger point. Christ is the master builder of His Church who is the solely responsible and accountable person by the WORD and the Holy Spirit, to judge any in falsehood or not; for such right is not in any man no matter the platform and entitlement. I pray that many be awaken from their slumbering state with the gates of hell that is working now to appeals to human consciousness through sentiments, prejudice, illogical reason and ignorance.
Hence for clarity, I have written this Ministers and Church Workers and Leadership handbook to give you a fare knowledge and understanding that may help you. It’s entitled:
“FAITH IN GOD’S ANOINTED”. It’s about the graciousness and gracefulness of BELIEVING in your God’s given Pastor in His Church, in the face of sentiments, illogical reason, prejudice and ignorance – Acts 17:30-32.
Book available in many leading ONLINE bookstores as,,,,
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