Shalom! Kingdom & Redemption greetings in the victorious, triumphant, overcomer’s and a more than conquerors name of our Saviour-King & Lord Jesus Christ, in whom we live, move and have our being according to the scriptures of Acts 17:28, Amen. Once again, I gladly welcome new and existing readers and recipients of the Achiever’s FAITH Digest ‘Monthly TEACHING Newsletter’ to this edition, trusting God that at the receipt of this month edition all things shall be not only under your feet but also in your absolute charge and control. This SEPTEMBER 2020 is themed: DARE TO TRIUMPH IN EVERY PLACE! “Being Sure-footed As A DEER, Insured & Assured To Every Life Endeavours”

Thanks go to all who sent in their feedback with testimonies of the impact that the Monthly TEACHING Newsletter is having on them, their friends and loved ones whom they have also reached out to. We want you to know that we have you in our hearts, thoughts and prayers; praying that the good Lord give you the leverage to another level of grace in achieving your desired goals. I pray and trust that this AFDSEPTEMBER 2020 EDITION will bring you to a place of TRIUMPH, VICTORY and OVERCOMER in every circumstance of life that may have limited you and questioned the essence of your FAITH TESTIMONY in Christ Jesus our Saviour-King and Lord. AMEN!
It’s my prayer and earnest desire that you will crave for the knowledge and understanding that will enable you have DOMINION and TRIUMPH over all things and to live dignified; more so, that you will eventually locate yourself in God’s plan, purpose and pursuit to achieve your desired set goals in life through the path to dignity.
I do know that a man’s ignorance is his own mountain and the knowledge of the truth will set him free, because ones dominion, freedom and effectual faith in life is a product of ones knowledge as enacted in these scriptures – Daniel 11:3, John 8:32, Philemon 1:6 and Romans 6:14 . Hence I therefore commend you to take time to ponder and meditate on the theme through and through in prayers.
Acts 20:32 “And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified”
Further and full details of this edition can be obtained by the click of this link: