“This is a FAITHFUL SAYING, and these things I will that thou AFFIRM constantly, that they which have BELIEVED in God might be CAREFUL to MAINTAIN good works. These things are good and PROFITABLE unto men” Titus 3:8.
Herein are some NOTABLE QUOTES and SAYINGS that’s WORTH PONDERING to REFRESH your well-being that I have overtime either created unknowingly [unscripted] or had used from others creation knowingly.
*** In Life, SOMETIMES you WIN and SOMETIMES you LEARN – you don’t LOSE as some may think.
*** For in Life, you can only POSSESS what you are WILLING and DETERMINE to PURSUE.
*** Life can only OFFERS you the FULLNESS of what you DESERVES by the DEMANDS you PLACE on it.
*** You may not have CONTROL over someone else ATTITUDES toward you, but you have the SYNERGY and CONTROL over your own ATTITUDE to deal with the situation. So make NO EXCUSE for REACTING instead of RESPONDING – reacting makes you lesser while responding makes you matured.
*** If you are too big to FOLLOW someone to be MENTORED/DISCIPLED, you are not QUALIFIED to LEAD; and if you are too big to be FOLLOWED, then you are not QUALIFIED to LEAD any.
*** The CONTENT of your Spiritual life will always DETERMINE the OUTCOME of your life.
*** UTTERANCE is a GIFT of God, it’s not what you learn, otherwise it is a FRAUD.
*** In the Kingdom of God, there’s nothing like SOMETHING for NOTHING or NOTHING for SOMETHING. It’s SACRIFICE and SERVICE all the way for GLORY and HONOUR.
*** In the Kingdom of God, you are either BORN AGAIN or BORN AGAINST to the Kingdom CAUSE of God in Christ Jesus stead.
*** The Kingdom GATEWAY is built on Christ RIGHTEOUSNESS and not Man-made Traditions, Make-Believe, Denominational Creed and indoctrinations, Dogmas and religious Oblations.
*** The Church of Christ is not a SOCIAL club, for the Kingdom is more than an ACTS – it’s Life in the Spirit by the WORD of God.
*** THANKS-GIVING is good, LIVING in THANKS is more GRACIOUS; for what you are despising, someone else is deserving it – Ever give THANKS to God as you LIVE and BREATH.
*** Never COMPARE or COMPLAIN or be JEALOUS when God is BLESSEDNESS reached your NEIGHBOUR; but REJOICE that God is in your NEIGHBORHOOD – meaning yours is about to happen and be tangible too – within PROXIMITY.
*** God’s MERCY is to show that the things that HAPPENED could not have HAPPENED if not for God’s DOINGS that took care of the things that NEVER HAPPENED that would have HAPPENED – meaning you may have lost SOMETHINGS in life, but God is the REASON why you have not LOST EVERYTHING and you are still here because the PRUNING is to bring about the BEST of you unknown to you and any.
*** Commit to GRACE to EASE your RACE, for GRACE will make the RACE EASY.
Be BLESSED in everyway as you refresh your well being in grace and life.
“This is a FAITHFUL SAYING, and these things I will that thou AFFIRM constantly, that they which have BELIEVED in God might be CAREFUL to MAINTAIN good works. These things are good and PROFITABLE unto men” Titus 3:8.
“I thank my God, making mention of thee ALWAYS in my prayers, 5 HEARING of thy LOVE and FAITH, which thou hast TOWARD the Lord Jesus, and TOWARD all saints; 6 that the COMMUNICATION of thy FAITH may become EFFECTUAL by the ACKNOWLEDGING of EVERY GOOD thing which is IN you in Christ Jesus. 7 For we have great joy and consolation in thy love, because the BOWELS of the saints are REFRESHED by thee, brother” Philemon 1:4-7.