Mission Project

The 42nd Generation Foundation aka Redemption Generation Foundation believes that a mere word is not enough to make a soul live in sound mind. Hence, for the passion and value that we have for mankind in the likeness of our Lord Jesus Christ as in Matthew 9:35 and Matthew 14:13-21, we intend to establish mission projects as God prospers us to enhance our passion and drive for Live Transformation, Destiny Moulding, Dignity Restoration and Kingdom Faith Establishment and much more.

The desire for these to be done is drawn from our major cardinal drive as found in Luke 2:52:

”And Jesus increased in wisdom (mentally) and stature (physically), and in favour with God (spiritually) and man (socially)”

The scripture above can be characterised in these four forms:

Mentally: To establish mission projects that will help liberate men from ignorance and foolishness. Man needs a sound mind to be useful in life (1Timothy 1:7). Educating and developing people will expose them to a sound mind and a wise life style. A well informed mind makes a great personality. A renewed mind bring about a transform life and reform society. This will we do by God’s grace as Mission Projects.

Physically: To establish mission projects that will give value to man’s physical nature and needs. The hungry, thirsty and naked need to be fed, clothed and hospitalised where necessary as God grants us opportunity. A healthy being is a wealthy life.  A good physique makes a great personality. This will we do by God’s grace as Mission Project.

Spiritually: Man greatest quest and need today is to be in favour with his creator. Deep in the depth of all human hearts is a great longing and desire for  the creator God. It’s our determination to ensure that mankind spiritual need are highly prized and valued in determining our Mission Projects. That is, Mission Projects that will enhance the quest – hunger and thirst – for man’s spiritual awakening.

Socially: To establish mission projects that will enhance the social well-being of people. Man is a social being and his favour with man is having a healthy social lifestyle with himself, the community and to BECOME what He is created to be. Our Mission Project mandate will ensure man finds his place in God and the community.

Finally, some of these mission projects may require us to assist or partner with other ministries/churches, or charitable bodies already existing to enhance this vision and mission. Mission projects may be to an individual, family, a group and a community and probably a nation. And accountability being a mark of our integrity, we will ensure that partners donations are wisely maximised and channelled to areas in which they are mostly and highly prized.

”Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the Sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well-pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen” Hebrews 13:20-21


“PROCLAIMING And PUBLISHING The WORD . . . SAVING The LOST . . . EQUIPPING The CHURCH . . . MINISTERING To: The THIRST And HUNGER of NATIONS And The WHOLE-MAN – Spirit, Soul And Body, From The Chains of POVERTY, SICKNESS And SPIRITUAL DEATH . . . And Readily Prepared, Awaiting Christ Jesus RETURNS”

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